Power Animals | Brumby & Rabbit


Images by Ravenari on Deviant Art


During the Opening Gathering of my Four Seasons Journey we went on a Drum Journey to find our guides from the Upper, Middle and Lower realms (more on this later).
We were instructed to all lay on our backs comfortably and to cover our eyes without touching anyone beside us. Our teachers and the apprentices then drummed loudly all to the same beat.

This post is about my journey to the Lower Realm to find my Power Animal.

The Journey

At first I went down into a creek but I came up somewhere I wasn’t meant to be.

Then I went down a wombat or fox hole. When I came out, I was in the wild Australian Bush but it was dark – kind of like the sun was just about to set or it was a really overcast day.

I met a giant wombat who didn’t speak. I asked if it was my power animal and I knew it wasn’t the moment I asked the question. So I asked if it could take me to my power animal – it allowed me to ride on it’s back. We walked for ages and saw lots of different things but I don’t remember what they were, I was content. We passed by snakes who hissed at me and bared their fangs. There was also birds like owls and kookaburras all flying around (but not with me).

We then came to a clearing where a white male brumby was waiting. I knew it was my power animal but he confirmed it with words. He bowed to allow me to ride on him bare backed. We joined his heard and rode with them around the realm. We did nothing in particular except enjoy each others company and the company of the others under his care (I’m certain he was their leader/caretaker).

We then came across a family of rabbits who allowed me to curl up with them in their burrow for a nap.
That was when my ovaries/uterus twinged somewhat painfully.

The drum beat changed and I saw an image of a walking stick or knife or something of that kind.

The Brumby/Horse

Keywords: Cooperation. Companionship. Trust. Journeying. Loyalty. Spiritual journeys. Guiding and guardianship. Overcoming obstacles. Endurance. Stamina. Energy. Healing and guiding others. A powerful ally. Possible danger. Wildness. The wild spirit.

“When the horse came into native peoples lives and was domesticated the distance of journeys was shortened, travel and hunting was made easier. People were able to discover places further afield, and not just stay close to home. Also, visiting far away clans strengthened communication and relationships.”

In Australia, brumbies (derived from an Aboriginal word meaning ‘wild’) are the descendants of escaped or lost horses, dating back to the early European settlers in the late 1700’s. The long journey by sea from England, Europe, and Asia meant that only the strongest horses survived the trip, making for a particularly healthy and strong Australian stock, which aided in their ability to flourish. The brumby is an herbivorous, social animal, without a fixed territory. Stallions will fight for dominance over a group of mares.

Therefore, horse is connected to sincere, meaningful relationships and valuing what our spiritual paths hold for us. This influences Native Americans customs to view Horse as the symbol of True Power, which comes when opening up to others with compassion and love, sharing their gifts with their communities.

If Horse enters your life, you will probably feel a power within you that is sometimes hard to control, a bit wild and fiery! You probably love to travel. People with Horse as power animal are fiercely independent and have little tolerance for anything or anyone that limits their free expression. They give us the safety of speed and the promise of adventure.

If Horse is your power animal, you are a teacher to your family, partner and friends demonstrating how to be strong within themselves.

Horse is there to teach us how to ride into new directions, to awaken and discover our own freedom and power. He is also your warrior spirit, giving safety in your physical and metaphysical journeys.


Keywords: Increase and decrease. Land degradation. Taking the land for granted. Growth. Fertility. Personal growth for a price. A fighting spirit. Power. Surviving despite adversity. Adaptability. Facing fear. Walking the underworlds. Anxiety.

“Rabbits are herbivorous, social creatures that dig extensive warrens that can house a great community. They are generally nocturnal. Rabbits can breed at any time of the year and are prolific breeders. It is not certain when rabbits were introduced into Australia, though they were probably introduced for the purposes of food and hunting.”

Metaphysically, rabbit can indicate a need to journey, particularly in the Underworlds. Calling up your fears or shadow self during this time, or triggering initiatory experiences, can all be beneficial.

Rabbits are well known as timid, shy and afraid creatures. We can learn from the rabbit that if we are always afraid of something then we may draw/create the very experience we are afraid of in to our lives. Rabbit energy can sometimes feel like a trap, that you are ‘caught in the headlights’, or cannot stop looking at the problem approaching. The good news is that rabbit teaches power, and how to survive despite adversity. Believe it or not, many rabbits are capable of fighting back, and not just freezing during a time of crisis.

Rabbits are guides into the shadow world, where our personal fears lie. When the rabbit shows up it is time to examine those deep reflexive fears that hold you back from growing. The rabbit asks you to face your fears with compassion for yourself. You must accept that it is part of human nature to feel fear at times, but also believe that our fears need not paralyze our growth and movement.

Rabbit always indicates a need to re-evaluate the process you are undergoing, to rid yourself of any negative feelings or barriers, and to be more humble.

All rabbits indicate an energy of increase and decrease. There are times when your life is filled with abundance and fecundity, and times when there will be nothing at all, and no resources to pull from. This natural ebb and flow of life and death, energy and lack there of, cannot be fought against and is something that needs to be accepted as a natural cycle.


I do very much relate to the energies of the Horse/Brumby and Rabbit. I believe that the Brumby is trying to teach me leadership and strength whilst also encouraging me to expand my horizons. I felt safe and content being in his presence.
When I was with the Rabbit, I was a part of it’s family and sleeping in it’s burrow. I believe it’s trying to teach me trust in my path and the need to let go of my fears – specifically in regards to starting a family or being relied upon with in the community.


Shamanism is not a Belief System

Wildspeak Home


4SJ2014 | Opening Gathering

About the Opening Gathering (OG)

The Opening Gathering was about connecting with my fellow Mermaids, creating a stable foundation and feeling out my intentions for the year ahead.

My Thoughts

“I had the most AMAZING time at the Opening Gathering to my Four Seasons Journey! There really are no words to explain how blissful and safe I felt when I was there and how calm I feel now.
Change is coming and I’m totally OK with this ❤ ❤ ❤

I have this image in my head of sitting in The Grove next to the creek whilst I was creating my drum. I’m surrounded by my fellow Mermaids, in this contained space. Someone is humming gently whilst she weaves. I smell sage, Earth and raw deer hide. The air is warm and every now and then a cool breeze caress’ my face. The stream gently weaves itself through the Earth and around rocks. Frogs and small birds are speaking to one another. The sun streams down through the leaves of the trees, creating patterns of shadows on everything around me.
I feel completely safe and calm in this moment. I have the quiet support of everyone around me – someone starts to play a flute softly.

I left feeling revitalized and content with my lot in life. My fear of vulnerability was something I really needed to overcome to get the most out of it all and once I did that, I began to learn a lot about myself.

…and it’s just the beginning!

What I Learnt

I learnt about vulnerability and how to hold space for someone else to show their vulnerability.
I learnt how big of a role my birth plays in how I process and how I create.
I made a drum out of raw deer hide and learnt how to get past my negative self talk regarding my creative process.
I learnt about altars, rituals and cycles (foundational knowledge).
Most of all I learnt about myself and I got regular glimpses of who I really am.
I learnt how reluctant I am to share things with others; how embarrassed and awkward I get when I do share.

Course Work

My Inner Journey Walker | Past Life Wild Woman

My Inner Journey Walker | Past Life Wild Woman

Image from Janey-Jane on Deviant Art


During the Opening Gathering of my Four Seasons Journey we went on a Drum Journey to find our guides from the Upper, Middle and Lower realms (more on this later).
We were instructed to all lay on our backs comfortably and to cover our eyes without touching anyone beside us. Our teachers and the apprentices then drummed loudly all to the same beat.

This post is about my journey to the Middle Realm to find my Inner Journey Walker (my teachers were calling it an Inner Shaman but I feel uncomfortable using that word).

The Journey

I walked out into the wild Australian Bush where my Inner Journey Walker met me. She sat astride a deer (I believe it was a buck) and she was leading another one for me to ride.

I’ve seen her before in dreams and on other journeys I’ve made. She is a wild witch woman who’s dress is made from the fabric of the sky. Her hair is silver and flows down to the middle of her back.

We started to run barefoot through the bush – birds flying alongside us – until we arrived at a clearing where there was some sort of celebration. We began to dance around the fire with everyone else.

We then journeyed to a mountain where I met an male Aboriginal Elder. He had a long, grey beard and was sitting cross legged in a cave meditating. At the time I thought that he might be the male version of my Inner Journey Walker although I’ve never met him before.

We ran some more. This time we turned up to a tribe in Africa where I met their Medicine Man/Shaman (not sure of the correct term; I guess it changes from tribe to tribe?) who was androgynous. They had bones through their nose and short black hair. We danced some more around their fire in celebration.

Then my vision went black and I couldn’t see a thing. A hand then appeared from the depths and beckoned me in – we were back where we started.

I could smell mud and see lots of wild animals, mostly birds and deer. We were riding the bucks again.

Then, I picked up a black lantern which was full of smoke. My Inner Journey Walker and I cleansed the entire bush with these lanterns.

That was when the drumbeat changed to direct us back from the Middle Realm. An image of an eye flashed before me and then faded away slowly. That was when I said goodbye and thanked her for the dance. She kissed me on the forehead in farewell.

My Thoughts

It was like seeing an old friend and we were having so much fun that I didn’t want to leave. Afterwards I thought that maybe she was showing me who I was in my past lives as a Shaman/Medicine Man/Elder.

Moon Sign| Waxing Gibbous in Aquarius (2° 55′)


Image by Yuhon on Deviant Art


The Moon is the yin and provides us with the application of our purpose. The Moon being the closest heavenly body to us, controls the rhythm of the sea and all its creatures as well as the flow of blood in the human body.

Modality: Fixed
Element: Air
Ruler: Uranus
Season: Winter
11th Sign of Zodiac


Metal: Uranium
Stone: Amethyst
 Sky Blue
 Ankles, shins, circulation


Keywords: individualistic, assertive, independent, humanitarian, inventive, original, eccentric, opinionated, intellectual, idealistic, cool, friendly, detached

Gibbous Moon

Those born during the Gibbous Phase have an innate desire for perfection. Having sharp, analytical minds, they have a need to understand. Looking at a subject from all angles, they experience sheer joy when delving into the core of the matter.

They live their lives in anxious expectation augmented by the breath of the coming revelation. Children born at this time will not be happy with the answers, they will want to know why and how the answer came about. Gibbous Moon people make good apprentices as their goal is to learn all they can and become as good as they can get.

Keywords: Perfecting; Analysis; Interpret

Moon in Aquarius

Original, knowledgeable, competent, has strong opinions.
Likes: freedom and reading.
Hates: mediocrity and incompetence.

They have their own, distinct and sometimes very original opinion. It is very important for these individuals to retain their independence and they don’t like their personal life to be anybody else’s concern.

Often the Moon in Aquarius individuals have some outstanding abilities in one or another field. They often take a central place in the company of like-minded friends. They can become really alone in their personal life, and their constant urge for independence can lead to chronic emotional stress.

There is an impression that at times they are getting tired of themselves which leads to trying to change abruptly; as if to become a different person.

To restore after a significant stress they need to have a hobby which they could plunge themselves into and forget about the surrounding world. It would be really good for them if they could speak out their problems, but this is not so easy, because Lunar Aquarian’s do not like to just chat with anyone about anything. They prefer dealing with experts in their field of interest – this is with whom they are ready to talk endlessly and if there is no such a person around, a good book could serve as a replacement for a friend.

There is a very idealistic and progressive streak in Lunar Aquarians that is admirable indeed. However, when the Moon is in Aquarius, natives often will deny the more irrational qualities of emotions—such as jealousy, possessiveness, and fear—in an effort to be “above” what they consider “pettiness”. When this goes too far, Lunar Aquarians can be emotionally blocked, distant, and detached.

Moon in Aquarius people are rarely flighty people, but they can be unreliable when it concerns the little things in life. Often, this is simply an assertion of their independence. In the long haul, however, they are rather constant, as Aquarius is a fixed sign. As long as they have their own space and the freedom to be themselves, however kooky that may be, they are trustworthy and loyal.


This is actually scarily accurate. I’ve never considered my Moon Sign or the phase of the moon important (or as important as my Star/Sun sign) but this really does explain some aspects of the Libran personality type that has never quite fit.

It makes me appreciate how complicated astrology is.




Four Seasons Journey Workbook

4SJ2014 – Goals and Intentions

4SJ2014 - Goals and Intentions

Two weeks in to my Four Season Journey (4SJ) and I’m starting to get into the swing of things. I’ve been regularly writing in my Thirteen Moons Journal and recording any dreams that I have as soon as I wake up.

As part of the Course Work for the Opening Gathering (OG) I’ve got to come up with some intentions and goals to use in ceremony so I thought I’d do a bit of brainstorming here.

My Intentions

  • To learn about myself by connecting with the ancestral knowledge that I can feel lurking just beyond my reach in my subconscious.
  • To help other people access this same knowledge. I want to change the way people perceive the Feminine and through that, change the way they treat it/her.
  • To learn to use my intuition properly and to develop my divination skills.
  • To approach my life and my studies with curiosity, respect and acceptance.

My Goals

  • Make friends with like-minded people.
  • Get involved in discussions (and expressing my opinions regardless of what I think other people will think of me).
  • To feel more confident and well-spoken on the topic.
  • Allow my creativity to lead the way.
  • Make a drum, a medicine bag and a mask.
  • Make myself available to my community (and feel confident and proud at what I’m doing).

School of Shamanic Midwifery – Four Seasons Journey 2014

School of Shamanic Midwifery - Four Seasons Journey 2014

I’m excited to announce that I’ve begun my Four Seasons Journey (4SJ).

What is a Four Seasons Journey (4SJ)

The 4SJ is a year long course beginning in November facilitated by the School of Shamanic Midwifery.

During my 4SJ I will learn about the cycles of moon, earth, life and death and the menstruation cycles. I will learn heightened self awareness which will allow me to heal myself and in turn heal other people. I will learn about MoonTime and practice MoonLodge, I will get to practice shamanic journey work and make a drum and medicine bag.

What’s the Importance?

I’ve talked previously about the wounded feminine in my “D is for Doula” and “The F Word” posts and I still truly believe that a lot of the world’s problems could be eventually resolved if we stopped demonizing feminine attributes (such as creativity, intuition and empathy). On a more personal level, I would like to get more in touch with my own innate feminine nature.

As part of this journey I will also learn how to facilitate women’s and maidens circles which is one of the main reasons I’m doing this course. I would really love to hold space for young girls who have just gone through or are approaching menarche as part of a sexual education course through primary schools (obviously still a dream but a reasonably realistic goal none-the-less!).

Please Check out my 4SJ2014 Category for more information!